
Pierpaolo Zanchin

Pierpaolo Zanchin born in Camposampiero in the province of Padova in 1975.
After graduating in 1997, at the Italian School of Design in Padova, in 2001 began his business by opening an industrial designe office -Pierpaolo Zanchin- which starts collaborations with many companies in the area and belonging to the world of furniture.
He is a member co-founder, in 2009, of the studio -Vertigodesignteam- mainly turned to the world of sports design, graphic and web design.
In the course of his business received various awards and commendations:

FUSION DESIGN CONTEST 2003 – silver objects for the table, 2nd classied
2003-BATH AREA 2003 special mention by the jury with the project
Arcadia “shower area of the future”
YOUNG & DESIGN 2005 – at the Furniture fair in Milan selected
for the nal stage of the competition
2007-TAP DESIGN CONTEST 1 st place with the Prime Project: Series of
single lever mixers for the bathroom
2012-CARBON FIBER Contest Honorable Mentions design & creativity

He currently lives and works in Tombolo, Padova.
